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The perfect sportswear OEM hard to find? After reading this article will not step on the thunder!

The perfect sportswear OEM hard to find? After reading this article will not step on the thunder!

Kyra Kyra |

Finding a perfect sportswear foundry is a very challenging thing for many brands. Different founder-builders differ in terms of scale, technology, cost control, etc., and it is not easy to find a factory that can meet the quality requirements and deliver on time. This article will help you reveal how to avoid pitfalls and find the ideal partner in the process of finding a sportswear contract manufacturer.
1. Understand the real production capacity of the foundry
When looking for a foundry, many brands are easily attracted by the promotional materials of the foundry, while ignoring the inspection of the actual production capacity of the factory. Foundries may overstate their capacity, technical capabilities and past customer cases, causing the brand to experience delays or quality problems during production.
Therefore, before choosing a foundry, the brand must personally inspect the actual production capacity of the factory, including the scale of the workshop, the advancement of the equipment and the technical level of the staff.

2. The importance of sample proofing
Proofing is the key step to confirm whether the foundry has the production capacity. In order to save time or cost, some brands skip the proofing process and directly enter mass production, which often brings uncontrollable risks. The sample can not only reflect the production level of the foundry, but also allow the brand to propose amendments before the formal production to ensure that the final product meets the requirements.
3. The devil is in the contract details
Contract is the most important legal document in OEM cooperation. When many brands sign contracts, they tend to focus only on the price and delivery date, ignoring many details. For example, quality standards, quality inspection procedures, after-sales service and other terms need to be clearly specified in the contract.

Otherwise, once there is a quality problem or delivery delay, the brand will be difficult to defend. Therefore, before signing a contract with a foundry, it is necessary to carefully review the terms of the contract to ensure that each link has a clear division of responsibilities.
4. After sales service can not be ignored
The perfect sportswear OEM is not only to produce high-quality products, but also to have perfect after-sales service. There may be various unexpected situations in the production process, such as product batch inconsistency, logistics delays, etc. Whether the foundry can provide rapid response after-sales support is an important criterion to measure its reliability.

The brand should give priority to those foundries with a good after-sales service record to ensure that problems can be resolved in a timely manner when they arise.
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It is not easy to find the perfect sportswear foundry, but as long as the brand can comprehensively consider the production capacity of the foundry, sample proof, contract details and after-sales service, it can effectively avoid stepping on the mine and find the ideal partner.