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Booo! 90% of sportswear brands have stepped on the OEM pit!

Booo! 90% of sportswear brands have stepped on the OEM pit!

Kyra Kyra |

Behind sportswear brands, foundries play a crucial role. However, many brands are often stuck in the choice of foundries because of lack of experience or information asymmetry.

According to market data, 90% of sportswear brands have made mistakes in the process of OEM and stepped on the pit. These errors not only affect the reputation of the brand, but also lead to increased costs and decreased quality.
1. The trap of price wars
When many brands look for foundries, the first thing they look for is price. However, the lowest price does not equal the best choice. Some foundries compete for orders by offering unusually low prices, but such prices often come with hidden costs. Low prices can mean the use of low-quality fabrics or substandard production processes, resulting in substandard finished products and ultimately damaging the brand image.

Therefore, the brand should avoid only looking at the price when choosing a foundry, but should consider factors such as production capacity, technical level and quality control.
2. Time wasted due to miscommunication
Another common pitfall is miscommunication. Many brands and foundries in cooperation, due to language, cultural differences or unclear communication processes, resulting in a large number of misunderstandings in the production process. This often leads to delays, rework, and even delays in getting products to market on time. In order to avoid this problem, the brand should maintain frequent and transparent communication with the foundry, especially in the early stage of production, to ensure that both parties have the same understanding of the design and production requirements.

3. Quality control is not in place
Quality problem is the most common pit in sportswear brand OEM. Many brands neglect quality control in the production process, so that the finished product does not meet standards or consumer expectations. The brand needs to establish a strict quality control system, including sending professionals to regularly inspect the factory, test the quality of samples, etc., to ensure that each batch of products can meet the predetermined standards.
4. Order delay due to insufficient production capacity
The production capacity of the foundry directly determines the supply chain efficiency of the brand. Some brands because of the shortage of foundry capacity, resulting in delayed delivery of orders, which affects market sales and brand reputation.

When selecting a foundry, brands should have a detailed understanding of the factory's production capacity and delivery track record to ensure that they can fulfill orders on time.
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